This Learning Path was designed through dialogue between the various partners to promote and empower the adaptive role of teachers in STEAM disciplines.

One of the final objectives of this research phase is to transform and change the mindset of the teachers so that they can adapt not only to the needs/requirements of the students, but also with respect to their characteristics. What is therefore being proposed is a programme through which teachers can design their lessons to suit the student population and within the environment in which they operate.

The Learning Path was developed, within Project Result 1, as a result of two important outcomes: COMPARED DESK ANALYSIS carried out by the HEIs involved in order to identify similar training programmes for trainers and to identify the constitutive elements of the programme proposed by TEST, and FIELD ANALYSIS conducted in the contexts of the partnership through Focus Groups (FG), to deepen the analysis and to detect latent needs that have not previously emerged.

The OER’s specific objective was to allow STEAM educators to access training on digital technology which will help them become more adaptive and to hold relevant, inclusive and creative e-labs for their STEAM learners. All the TEST partners worked together under the guidance of Conform S.c.a.r.l. staff to develop contents and materials that were then collated in the OERs. In their interactive form, they increase learner involvement (immersive education) maximising the effectiveness of learning and were designed and developed to incorporate a multitude of further information materials.

Consisting of 10 modules, they cover the topics of diversity in the classroom, adaptive methodologies and diverse methodologies to analyse each area of STEAM knowledge and to design learning materials in order to provide learners with the skills required in today’s world.

You can access the OERS by logging in to or clicking on the link…

In order to allow educators to test their knowledge, 2 narrative branching scenarios were also developed on some crucial aspects of adaptive teaching in STEAM. By simulating real case examples, they were able to test their ability by making suitable choices in the given situation and were able to see the consequences of their actions.

Here, too, you can test your knowledge by clicking on narrative branching scenarios. 

One of the objectives of the T.E.S.T project is the development and publication, in all the project languages, of a Toolkit generically called “The STEAM Teacher Toolbox”.

All project partners have been actively involved in its execution. The objective was to provide Adaptive Teachers with a complete set of tools to help them in the creation and implementation of virtual laboratories, integrating IBSL (Inquiry Based Science Learning) and STEM+A (STEAM) learning technologies.

In the Toolkit finally developed and published, the educational community will find a very useful methodological and practical compendium to implement these virtual laboratories. In addition, the ToolKit includes a catalog of successful case studies that implement the proposed technologies.

The T.E.S.T. ToolKit is offered ready for download under the Creative Commons license in the seven official languages of the project, that is, English, Italian, Spanish, German, Greek, French and Croatian.

Research outcomes

Romano, A., Petruccioli, R., Rossi, S., Bulletti, F., Puglisi, A. (2023). Pratiche per l’insegnamento adattivo nelle discipline STEAM: il Progetto T.E.S.T. Q-TIMES WEBMAGAZINE, 15(1, 1), 312-328 [10.14668/QTimes_15123]

Romano, A. (2023). Pratiche di progettazione didattica inclusiva e adattiva all’università: verso la costruzione di un repertorio metodologico. ANNALI ONLINE… DELLA DIDATTICA E DELLA FORMAZIONE DOCENTE, 15(25), 556-575 [10.15160/2038-1034/2682]

Ahedo Santisteban, M., Armakolas, S., Gössl, A., Karatrantou, A., Oppl, S., Panagiotakopoulos, C., et al. (2023). Ripensare l’insegnamento adattivo per l’inclusione in Higher Education. Un framework metodologico. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION FOR INCLUSION, 11(2), 41-55

Panagiotakopoulos, C., & Karatrantou, A. (2023). Perspective Transformation through Adaptive Teaching: the con‐tribution of the T.E.S.T. Project. In G. Koulaouizides, & D. Soeiro (eds.). Proceedings of the First Conference of theTEAE Network. Reimagining transformative and emancipatory adult education for a world to come